Dark Slayer Defeated--Strom Elkhart's Soul Freed Long has Scaramandine the Elder ruled through the power of the Orb of Soul Seeking. Wielding its power he has held sway over the evil Necromari and his most powerful servants, the Dark Slayers. Worst yet, he used the power of the Orb to absorb the very souls of his enemies. There imprisoned, these formally good men and women found themselves forced to act at the Elder’s behest no matter how heinous the order given. Four of these minions stood out: Istan Magrul, former Captain of the Minoc Guard; the once lovely Ariel, consort of Agiston Fyrebrant; Strom Elkhart, the architect and Dale Larkspur, former Ranger of Skara Brae. Long has the Justice Alliance opposed the evil, which is Scaramandine the Elder. Many of the Alliance are descendants of those who opposed the Elder some four generations back. Relentlessly they have gainsaid Scar’s wickedness at every turn, slowly chipping away at the source of his power—his minions of iniquity. Many of his Dark Slayers have been vanquished through mortal combat, their number dwindling low. Using the clues provided through the Seven Riddles, members of the Justice Alliance were able to force Dale Larkspur to don the Enchanted Verite Plate of Shielding, freeing the poor man’s tormented soul. Tuesday evening members of the Justice Alliance again faced a Dark Slayer of Scaramandine the Elder. I had found myself suddenly banished from the realm of Catskills. Upon reentering that land, I received an urgent pigeon from my cohort, Zharn—"Come to the Brazen Monkey immediately! We cannot wait for latecomers." I immediately set out for the tavern and arrived just in time to take a gate to a location I did not recognize, save as a dungeon I had n’er visited before. There I joined Daerik Van Burace, Deminzata, Fang Whitestone and Zharn. Fighting our way through stone harpies and gargoyles, we came to a bridge and found our way blocked by a Dark Slayer. Deminzata and Daerick fell to the attack with Zharn casting spells of offensive magic while Fang and I struggled to keep the valiant pair healed. The task proved too much for us, for the blows of the Dark Slayer are mighty-10 times that of mortal man. Deminzata fell dead and we focused on keeping Daerik among the living. Slowly Zharn and Daerick chipped away at the Slayer till at last he fell dead at their feet. Moving quickly onward I learned the object of this mission for there stood Strom Elkhart, a minion of Scaramandine the Elder. We felled the monsters that beset the man and gated him to the Brazen Monkey Tavern. Once there, Telos Agralia began talking to Elkhart, convincing the man to don the Enchanted Verite Plate of Shielding. Once shielded from the power of the wand Scar had fashioned in the shattering of the Orb of Soul Seeking, Strom came to himself, free at last from Scaramandine’s evil dominion. Suddenly the man’s corporal self disappeared in a burst of flame and the armor clattered empty to the floor, his tortured soul at last free, Scar’s forces again reduced. Yesterday Deminzata had a vision from Martel Nevarre, ancient nemesis of Scaramandine the Elder. He called for the heroes of Justice to come to the Justice Shrine to receive a special blessing. Meeting at the Whispering Pines Tavern in the Village of Edinburgh, the group traveled together to the Shrine of Justice. There, Martel appeared, telling us that tonight we must send three champions to meet the last of Scar’s Dark Slayers. Assembling the warrior within the shrine, Martel gave his blessing, urging those of the Alliance to hold true to the course of Justice and not allow petty bickering to detour us from our course. He warned we had not the wisdom or skill to use the Spell of Binding, which Aneid had said was the key to banishing Scar from this plane forever, and suggested we seek one of wisdom who might aid us in our cause. Telos Agralia, Niamb Goldenhair, Watts and Deminzata then offered special prayers before the shrine, asking that our cause be blessed. Even as these prayers were offered up, Scaramandine sent wave upon wave of spawn against those who invoked the spirit of the shrine. The gathered warrior barred the door to the shrine holding off, ettins and orcs, serpents and giant rats, bone magi and liches. Eventually, their enemies felled, final prayers were spoken and the party scattered, some journeying to Empath Abbey to seek among the learned for one who could help the cause. Others returned to Edinburgh for fear an attack would be unleashed there as well. Finally all returned to the Whispering Pines for drink and camaraderie before retiring for the night. Aiefe Sorceress, DOJ