Jack Falls to the Fourth Dark Slayer The Challenge is Issued.
Using a hit and run technique, Jack appears to have a good strategy.
Jack is hard pressed, but battles on. Scaramandine the Elder had warned us that each Dark Slayer would be progressively more powerful and for once his words prove true.
With his superior healing and skillful use of potions, Jack seems poised for victory.
The Slayer's eyes glow red with hatred and fear.
The Slayer Switches to his Bow and Jack is laid low. Duncan possessed by the malevolent spirit of the tainted armor attacks Ashton and Aeife. Coming to his senses, Duncan resurrects Jack who recalls to the Brazen Monkey to heal. Aeife tentatively approaches her old friend and offers him the hand of friendship, urging him to destroy the cursed armor. He assures her has thrown the foul metal into the lava pits of Fire Island, yet still he hears voices and is at times possessed by the evil spirit of another.
Aeife returns to the Monkey weeping for her lost friend. There the battle is discussed until a frantic pigeon from Watts sends us to Edinburgh as attacks on the beleaguered village begin once more.