Battle for a Soul
Everything stopped. The light. The pain... he was alone. He
wasnt dead. He lie upon a cold stone floor. The spell! It had worked! But had
the others made it through alive as well. He didnt know. All was dark... except
for a small spot of light from a darkened corner of the room. Laughter errupted
from around him as the spot of light moved towards him. The Soul Gem! And around
his neck it hung. Smogg, Necromancer and captor of Luthien.
Caramon lifted his head wearily from the stone floor, watching as the light of
the Soul Gem grew in size, until it was the size of a fist. He couldnt tell if
it was coming closer to him, bringing Smogg with it. Either that, or he was
moving to it. He couldnt tell.
"The Soul Gem..." whispered Caramon.
"Forget it Knight. For it cannot be opened." Smogg replied smugly,
seemingly happy with himself and disappointed at the same time.
"Not by an agent of evil.. not by a Necromancer!" Caramon bellowed his
"Like it or not Knight, we are allies now. Against a common foe."
Smogg started to continue on with his speech, but then doubled over in pain. He
clutched his head, groaning in pain.. in torture. "Destroy him now Smogg...
of you yourself will be obliterated!" A voice rang out, seeming made of the
darkness itself. Smogg, continuing to clutch his pain ridden head, muttered a
reluctant reply. "I will obey... My Master." Slowly, Smogg stood
straight and held his hands out towards the Knight and chanted words of power.
"Corp Por!"
A shot of an Energy Bolt shot out towards the spot where Caramon was kneeling.
Reacting instinctively, Caramon jumped back, narrowly missing being smothered
with electrical energy. He slowly backed up into a corner, hidden in the
shadows. He wondered silently what he would do against this powerful and
obviously insane Necromancer.
The others had made it through the gate, all unharmed and in one piece. They
were in a lower level of Smoggs Tower. Centurio, Talvin Nadrin, and Marcus stood
conferring in low tones as to what they should do, where they should go. Then
came a low runbling sound. The sound grew louder and louder, seeming to come
from all around them. The ground beneath them began to crumble, then gave way
completely. They fell into nothingness, into darkness.
The Knights group had fallen some three stories, and landed badly shaken but
unhurt in what they took for the lower recesses of the Abyss. A dark stream
flowed past them, small eerie things swimming in the water. Occasionally, an
eyeball popped out of the water to look at them, then disappeared as fast as it
had appeared, seemingly going on with it's business.
Dean looked around at the others. Marcus was tending to those wounded, along
with the wizard Talvin's help. Getting everyone up and ready to move didnt seem
to prove too much of a problem, and within moments, all were ready to go. It was
then that they noticed Centurio was missing.
Centurio had in fact gotten detached from the others, but not as far away as
they had all thought. He had fallen into the stream and had been pushed down it
a ways. Climbing out of the stream, he brushed himself off and looked around
him. He was standing at what seemed like the end of the stream, ending in a
small landing. Where the water went from here, he couldnt tell in the darkness.
But he was thankful he was here and not back in the dark murky water. Centurio
moved forward a bit and found what appeared in the darkness to be a door.
Warily, he drew his sword and opened the door. He was almost afraid of what he
would find on the other side. Or was it fear? Could it have been anticipation?
Of battle? The adrenelin ran through his veins, giving him courage and strength
to pursue on. He swung the door back on it's hinges. The door creaked open a
bit, but stuck halfway on hinges that hadn't seen oil in what seemed ages.
Sliding his small frame through the crack made by the door, Centurio came upon
what they had all been searching for. Luthien hung from the wall, shackled,
bound hand and foot. Wearily she lifted her head and smiled.
Centurio sheathed his sword and strode forward. He looked at Luthien's bondings,
and noted that they were in poor condition, rusted past ages, and falling apart.
Luthien's writs were raw and bleeding, as she had been trying to escape for some
time now. Deftly pulling a dagger from his wrist, Centurio went at the locks in
the shackles. After some time, he finally got her loose. She fell into his arms
and he held her, for just a moment. He thanked whatever gods were out there and
listening that she was still alive.
"Can you stand Luthien? We must get out of here, and quickly!"
Luthien weakly nodded a reply. She stood up shakily at first. Then, her strength
returned swiftly. The shackles had been draining her, keeping her strength and
magic from her. But with the shackles undone, the spell was broken and she moved
swiftly about, looking for something. And then, she found it. She hefted a heavy
crossbow in her hands and smiled at Centurio. Suddenly, she nocked a bolt and
pointed the crossbow at Centurio.
"Luthien! Wha- What are you.. doing?!" Centurio cried out!
"Down!" Luthien cried! Centurio fell to the ground just as the bolt
flew through the empty space his head had just occupied a few seconds ago. The
bolt flew and embedded itself into the chest of a lich. The force of the bolt
sent the lich into the wall behind them, pinning it to the wall. The crossbow
was, of course, of silver properties, and the lich howled in fury as it bust
into flames.
"Where did Centurio go?! Does anyone see him?" Marcus called to the
other Knights. Everyone shook their heads, wondering where their General had
gone. And what could be happening to him right now. Suddenly Talvin grabbed
Marcus's shoulder.
"I don't know.. but I hope *they* didnt get him!"
Up the tunnel, bearing down upon them where legions of undead. Skeleton
Warriors, Mages, Liches, Zombies.. everything that the mind could possibly
imagine in it's infinite horror bore down upon them.
"Run!" A voiced called out. It was Talvin. "We cannot defeat
them. Our only chance to escape lies within the Soul Gem!"
The Knights repelled and parried attack after attack and fell back. Retreating
down the corridor, they fended off the barrage of attacks as best they could. A
spear flew from the darkness and embedded itself into Dean's shoulder. Molly was
instantly at his side, pulling the spear free and applying bandages. A cutlass,
rusted and aged beyond age sliced downward, biting deep into Mollys shoulder,
almost severing her arm from her body. The words to a heal spell already flowing
from his lips, Talvin did his best to heal and keep alive those that needed it
as they waged a hopeless battle for their lives.
Smogg walked his chambers, looking for Caramon. He knew he was there, he could
smell him. He could smell his flesh, his warm blood. "Come out Knight. It
is useless."
Caramon sprang from the darkness and pounced on Smogg. He threw his fist out and
smacked Smogg right in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.
"Not today Smogg!"
Smogg pulled Caramon down with him, and they rolled over and over, Smogg's hands
wrapped around Caramon's neck, squeezing the breath and life from his body.
"First John, then Luthien... and now you. It's a pity you humans die so
easily. Or I might have a sense of satisfaction from this!"
Caramon didnt know why he did it, but he reached up and grabbed the Soul Gem
hanging round Smoggs neck. Bright light flared from the Gem, blinding both
Caramon and Smogg. The chain holding the Gem broke. Caramon and Smogg rolled
away from each other. Caramon stood up and held the Gem high above him as it's
light flared, further blinding the evil necromancer.
Smogg stood up and moaned in a low dull voice. "Nooo... nooo... no!"
He lifted his hands and again words of power raced from his lips. "Kal Des
Flam Ylem!" Fireball after fireball swept forward, hitting Caramon full on
the chest in a meteor swarm sort of way. The fireballs didnt seem to have any
effect. The rays of the light gleaming from the Gem seemed to protect him.
Finally, one of the fireballs hit the Gem itself and knocked it from Caramon's
"This is the end of the road Smogg!"
Caramon ran towards Smogg and a brief swinging of fists ensued. Caramon grabbed
ahold of Smogg and lifted his small frame into the air and threw him bodily
against the wall. He could hear the crunch of bone as Smoggs head smashed into
the wall, spilling the contents of his head ontot he floor. Caramon slowly
walked over to where the Soul Gem lie on the floor and picked it up. He gingerly
grabbed the two halves of the gem and lifted it above his head, chanting words
and spreading the two halves of the gem open, spilling light into the room.
"Now light our darkest hour!"
Explosions rocked the tower. The Knight's fighting Smoggs hoard were just about
done it. Then, suddenly, the minions crumbled to dust as the floor around them
shook violently. They looked around numbingly, not sure as to what to do.
"Lets get out of here!" Marcus called. He waved an arm to them,
calliung them to him.. to follow him out of this dark and evil place that was
falling apart around their ears. They ran down the corridor, dodging crumbling
and deadly boulders as they fell around them. The stream overlapped it waters,
splashing all with it's slimy green filth. Still, they continued running on,
spectral minions crumbling into dust as they ran past and sliced at the with
their weapons.
The Knights ran on and on. Finally coming to a crossroads. Not knowing where to
turn, they made a haste decision and bumbed right into Centurio and Luthien!
"Centurio! What's going on!" Marcus called.
"No time to answer that right now! Lets get outta here!" Centurio
grabbed Marcus and pushed him forward. They ran down the opposite corridor that
Centurio and Luthien came from.
Dean stopped for some reason and looked behind him. He called for the others to
stop as well.
"Halt! Look!"
Dean pointed behind them. There, running to catch up to them was Caramon.
Dodging and jumping boulders and ducking under explosions, he hacked and slashed
at the remaining spectral minions that sought to prevent their escape. He
stopped short of them and flashed his smile.
"Knights! We need a door!" Caramon called out. Talvin and Centurio
turned to each other and smiled. Putting away the staff and the sword, they
concentrated. They pointed their hands at the wall and spoke words of power.
"Kal Vas Flam!" Talvin spoke first, causing the wall next to him to
break into flames. "Vas Ort Flam!" Centurio spoke his words and the
wall exploded, sending shards and rock and debree all around them. Through the
wall they could see the outside and they ran through, one at a time, each
guarding the other's back. The last to leave was Caramon. He ducked out of the
corridor just as it crashed to the floor.
The Citizens of Hope cheered in triumph as Luthien appeared on the balcony over
looking Hope City. She smiled over them and looked to the gates of the city. The
Dragons, alive and in the flesh roared their triumphs as well, Big John standing
between them, waving at his old friends. Centurio, Marcus, Talvin and Caramon
appeared behind Luthien and waved to all the people.
"Let this be the beginning of a new age of peace and happiness!"
Luthien called out to her people.
Carmaon bellowed his war cry. "Until all are one!"
The citizens of Hope returned the war cry, over and over again, in a chant.
"Until all are one!"
Well! There you are! Chapter One in the story of Hope is now finished! I hope
you all enjoyed this adventure as much as I had having it!
Until all are one.