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The Final Battle (Part 3)

Final battle - Tale of a far away land part III
Posted by Theros Ironfeld on 3/11/2002 at 22:26:57
**Editor's note - Hail all! This is what I term as the Final Battle. Here, the Knights of Hope ally with their magi brethern the Istari in a final attempt to free their beloved leader Luthien from the clutches of the maniacle Smogg. Gathering forces of evil and Hopes bittersweet enemies DvD and UmD (Developers of Visual Death and The Underground Mafia), they have gathered in Smoggs' Tower of Necromany.**


Never had the gates of HopeCity looked so inviting, so peaceful, so safe. The golden and silver gates that stood closed, behind them held strings of people. Word had spread across the city that their defenders would wage one final battle against Smogg and their long time enemies DvD and UmD. Word had it that Luthien, the founder of Hope, had been abducted under mysterious circumstances and that she was being held captive in Smoggs' dread Tower of Necromancy. Hoards of people watched in dreadful silence as the Knights of Hope and the mages, The Istari, gathered together to offer one final prayer of hope to their loyal and steadfast guardians, The Dragons of Hope. The Dragons of Hope were built in remembrance of a long time friend Big John, who was known to save the day with his two dragons. The dragon on the left, made of pure shimmering gold shone brightly as it reflected the sunlight down, it seemed, upon the city. The left paw was held up in silent Good bye's to departing visitors and bid Welcome to incoming people. The Dragon on the right also shone brightly in the sunlight, reflecting it's peaceful serene light down upon the city, bathing those caught in it, bringing with it peace, harmony, and above all Hope. This dragon, so it is claimed, is made from pure silver, wrought from the silver hair of a goddess long forgotten to the minds of men, but ever remaining in their hearts. The right paw, too, waved it's silent Goodbye's and Welcomes. These two stood guard over the city. Those that sought to enter were either allowed to do so or denied entry by these dragons, for they reflected in the visitors hearts and minds their inner most fears. Those that brought only good with them, had only the best of intentions, were free to enter, seeing in the Dragons their friends and family. Those seeking entry and bringing with them death and destruction saw their worst enemies and darkest fears. The spell of protection was placed upon the Dragons by the gods, for the ultimate sacrifice made by Big John, One Life for the Lives of Others, his own life. It is also said that Big John was the son of the silver haired goddess, and this was a gift bestowed upon the City for her son's sacrifice. This is how Legends are Forever.

His eyes closed, Caramon basked for one final time in the light of the two. Hoping for the strength to lead those gathered, and to bring them all home alive. The light warmed his armour through, warming his bones, bringing energy. Caramon opened his eyes, reluctantly, and looked upon the others. They too, had their eyes closed. All seemed right, full of Hope. Looking around, the others coming to, Caramon walked over to a group of men, gathered in their robes, marking them as The Istari. Azaz Sinturious, of the Red Robe, stood conferring with his fellow magi of the spell that they would cast that would allow them entrance into Smoggs' lair, past the dreadful swamp that held Smogg's failed attempts at creating life. There, with Azaz, stood Hugh the Hand, of the Yellow Robe. Lonestar the Black Robe, Polgara the Green Robe, and Zxaltan Azzari, taking the lost Luthien's Grey Robe all gathered around. Caramon walked straight to Azaz and asked if all was ready.

"Azaz, are you sure about this spell of yours? I mean, will it work? Can you combine the powers of the blue moongate and the red together and transport us past Smogg's defenses?"

"No Caramon. I am not. How sure are we of anything? Are you sure that you will come out of this alive? Are you sure that when you sleep at night that you will awake the next morn? No, I am not sure... but what choice have we?! We have to try... I will try!"

Caramon placed his mailed hand upon Azaz's shoulder and looked around to the other Istari. "Of course.. we will try." Smiling to them he turned to walk back to his company of knights, The Knights of Hope.

Marcus and Centurio walked up to and met Caramon on his way back, taking it upon themselves, seeing the somber look on his face, to figure things might not go well. The three exchanged a glance that said it all. They would not bid each other good bye. They would not say fare well. They all knew, in their hearts, what the other was thinking. "What news Caramon?" Centurio, the Merchant Prince was first to speak.

Caramon closed his eyes for one final moment, felling the peace of the Dragons and the light of the sun for one final time. "Azaz says that this spell of his will combine two moongates, the blue and the red, into one. This one moongate will be grey. It will speed us past the Shoikan Swamp, and into the tower. Hopefully the others are strong enough to endure the gate. Hopefully we can stay together. None is guaranteed. It is agreed that it may not work. But, they are ready to begin. Gather the Knights."

Marcus and Centurio nodded and ran off, shouting orders. The Knights sprang to their feet, and started gathering armour and weapons, mounting steeds, ready for the fight. They were a good group of Knights, the best Caramon had ever remembered serving with. He stood before his Generals, Marcus... Centurio... and the wise old man Talvin Nadrin. Behind them formed up in three rows were the Knights. Dean, Molly, Logan, Skye, and Lonewolf. The next row started with Sorrick, Kaine Bluesteel, Landion, and Alexander Taras. Last came Vaughn Glowember, Lonewolf, and Myschyf. Caramon looked them all over, taking in each one and sending them a look, each one of them, saying his own goodbye's and thanks.

"Knights, today we ride to save our Found and Leader Luthien! It will be a hard fought battle. Some of us may not make it. The initial spell itself may tear you apart! But, if you go with Hope in your heart, and strength in your mind, you will make it. Once across and through the gate, we will break off into two groups. I shall head with the Istari to find Luthien's holding place. Your job is to hold off the defenders until we have accomplished the mission. Then, when all is said and done, you will use the rune placed in your packs to escape and return here! Knights of Hope... forever are we.. Until all are one!"

The gathering of Knights cheered and an uproar of knights and the citizens behind the walls of the city chanted 'Until all are one!'

The Istari signaled that they were ready to begin the spell. The five stood in a circle, facing each other. Eyes closed, they held out their arms and began to chant, Azaz first.

"From Light into Darkness, my voice echoes in the emptiness! Vas Rel Por!" A blue moongate appeared, faintly at first then with each passing moment deepened to a dark blue.

Then came the second, Hugh. "From this world to the next, my voice cries with life! An Corp!"

The third, Lonestar. "From Light to Darkness I shout! Beneath my feat, all is made firm! Kal Ort Por!"

The fourth, Polgara. "Time that flows, hold your course! An Ex Por!"

The fifth, the last, Zxalton. "Because by fate even the gods are cast down. Weep ye all with me! In Sanct Grav!"

A read moongate appeared, transparent in color then deepening to red, then even deeper still to the color of Blood. The voices of the Istari chanted Vas Rel Xan Corp Por, over and over again. The two moongates, the blue and the red stood fast. The Istari chanted again, this time backwards Por Corp Xan Rel Vas! The moongates started to move! Towards each other they hovered, closer and closer until they touched. A loud thunderclap was heard, the skys grew dark, and the moongates merged. A miraid of colors, they swirled together. The Knights behind them looked on, seeing inside the gate the presence of all colors, and of none!

"Caramon!" Azaz screamed, tearing through the minds of everyone, jolting them to their senses! "Get them through the gate! We cant hold it much longer!" Azaz howled with the pain. The force alone was unbearable, and it was tearing the Istari to shreds. But their faith in the Knights and the love for Luthien burned in their veins. The gate shimmered for an instant. They were loosing it. Then, in the back of the Istari's minds came a voice. Across the void it spoke.

"Legends are now and forever...." The voice trailed away, but with it came renewed strength. The gate held fast, glowing with an eerie grey light. Caramon srang to action.

"Marcus, Centurio, Talvin! Get them into the gate!" Caramon started for the gate. He was the first to enter. He went through, and pain, unbearable pain shot through his body. His vision blurred, tears streamed unheeded down his cheeks as he attempted to see through the haze of pain. The magic was ripping him apart. The multicolored lights began to swirl madly in his eyes. He grew dizzy, fire burst upon him, searing the flesh from his bones. Waters swirld around him. He was drowning! He screamed without sound, though he alone could hear his voice. He was dying, he was thankful he was dying, for the pain would end. His heart burst!


Everything stopped. The light. The pain... he was alone. He wasnt dead. He lie upon a cold stone floor. The spell! It had worked! But had the others made it through alive as well. He didnt know. All was dark... except for a small spot of light from a darkened corner of the room. Laughter errupted from around him as the spot of light moved towards him. The Soul Gem! And around his neck it hung. Smogg, Necromancer and captor of Luthien.


Okay okay.. it's much longer than I had anticipated. So I'll end it here and pick back up in a few days! I hope you all enjoyed it and werent too bored with the length. If you all made it this far, then I have done enough. I have captured your attention, and thrust upon you all the feelings and emotions I felt living this! More to come!

Battle for a Soul--The Finale